When looking for Invisalign specialists in New York City, it is vital that you find one who has sufficient experience to guarantee the expected results. Inexperienced orthodontists can do more harm than good and so you have to be very sure that your orthodontist is qualified, skilled and experienced. Once you have located a suitable orthodontist, you can discuss your requirements and learn more about Invisalign.
What You Need to Know about Invisalign
Invisalign braces are clear plastic aligners that offer permanent solutions for teeth malocclusions such as protruded teeth, crooked teeth, overcrowded teeth, extensively spaced teeth, openbites, underbites, crossbites and overbites. Rectifying these disorders provides you with outstanding dental and physical health, eliminating the discomforts of gum diseases, tooth loss, irregular wear of tooth surfaces, speech difficulties, chewing problems and digestion disorders.
Invisalign braces do not have metal wires and brackets; this means that these do not irritate your mouth like traditional metal braces. Besides, these braces are removable, so you can eat, drink, brush and floss normally. Further, its invisible property helps you to complete the treatment without others noticing.
What Procedures Do an Invisalign Specialist in New York City Adopt
Before scheduling treatment, Invisalign specialists in New York City study your teeth, jaws and facial structure with the help of X-rays, photographs and bite impressions. If it is found that Invisalign braces are suitable for your particular dental disorder, your orthodontist would instantly recommend it.
Invisalign braces are specially designed using advanced 3D imaging technology. The patient has to wear a series of aligners for two weeks and then replace it with a new set to speed up the aligning process. Generally, Invisalign treatment can be completed within 9-15 months and the patient has to wear about 18-30 sets of aligners.
Find Out the Cost of Orthodontic Treatment in New York City
Orthodontic treatment can be slightly expensive, so it is important to learn about the cost involved. Find out if low monthly payment options are available for Invisalign treatment. There are consumer-friendly orthodontists who offer such plans.
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